Mnemonics and Seed Phrases

Sharing What I've Learned: Mnemonics, Memory, and a Bit of Digital Wisdom


The word Mnemonics has its origin in the Greek word which means "about memory". The root word is Mnemon which translates to "mindful" or "remembering" From the word and its root word we can see that the word mnemonics roughly means anything that has to do with you remembering or vaguely putting "your memory".

In this article, we are going to be looking at what mnemonics in cryptocurrency are, how they are generated, and how they can help keep our assets safe.

Seed Phrases

Seed phrases are a bunch of words that act like a master key for your digital wallet or important online assets. They help you to recover or access your digital assets if you lose access to your device. Let us consider the image below

The image above shows a 24-word seed phrase for a digital wallet. Anyone including you can import and get access to all the funds in this wallet because you have the master key (seed phrase).

How Seed Phrases Are Generated

In Bitcoin, seed phrases are generated using the BIP-39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39) standard, this is to ensure consistency and compatibility across various wallets and devices. The process involves several steps:

  1. Entropy Generation: The wallet starts by generating a random sequence of bits ranging from 128 to 258 bits. This is known as entropy. Let us assume we have a 128-bit entropy 1101010101101101

  2. Checksum Addition: A checksum is derived by applying the SHA-256 hash function to the entropy derived above. The first bits of the hash are added to the end of the entropy creating a longer binary string.

    • Hash the entropy 1101010101101101 with the SHA-256 hash function

    • Take the first bits of the hash and append it to the entropy 1101010101101101 1001.

  3. Mnemonic Conversion: The derived binary string is split into 11 bits. Remember as programmers we start our count at 0 so in layman's terms that means the binary is split into 12 bits. Each section corresponds to an index in a predefined word list of 2048 words specified by the BIP-39. This mapping creates a human-readable mnemonic phrase.

    • Split the combined binary into 11 bit sections: 11010 10101 01101 10110 11011 01100 11001 1001....

    • Map each section to a word in the BIP-39 word list. 11010 ->above 10101 -> beyond 01101 ->interest 10110 ->insane 11011 ->prefer 01100 ->mirror 11001 ->vacuum 1001 -> chuckle....

  4. Seed Calculation: The mnemonic is converted back to binary using the original word list. The checksum is verified by recomputing the SHA-256 hash. If the checksum matches, the resulting binary serves as the seed.

  5. Optional Passphrase: Users may choose to add more security by adding an additional passphrase that is combined with the mnemonic before generating the seed. This acts like an additional layer of security, see it as a sort of 2FA.

  6. The Final Seed: The final seed is a 512-bit seed derived from the mnemonic and optional passphrase. This becomes the root of hierarchical deterministic wallets (BIP-32), allowing the generation of private keys and addresses.

The strength of a seed phrase comes from how unique and random the words are and this is why it is strongly advised to let a digital device generate your seed phrase rather than randomly picking words that you can remember or that a person close to you can guess.

Limitations and Challenges

The major limitation of the seed phase is security cause if they are not properly stored, anyone with access to it can recover and steal the funds associated with it. The digital assets can also be lost if the seed phrases are too securely stored such that no one including the owner of the seed phrase can have access to it. Therefore balance must be created to securely store the seed phrases.


In the world of improving memory and securing digital assets, mnemonic phrases play a crucial role. They help us remember things better and keep our digital assets safe. Mnemonics are like secret codes for our digital wallets, making sure our online assets are secure.

Mnemonic phrases enhance asset security in cryptocurrencies by serving as a human-readable representation of cryptographic seeds. They enable secure backup, ease of recovery, and error detection through a standardized process. The optional passphrase also helps add an extra layer of security. Mnemonic phrases support cold storage, ensuring private keys can be kept offline and away from the risk associated with the internet. Compatibility across wallets and user control over private keys further contribute to asset protection. To maximize security, you should follow best practices, including keeping the mnemonic offline, using hardware wallets, and implementing strong passphrases while maintaining confidentiality.